We will be under a "Blizzard Warning" 70 mph. gusts with up to 6 inches of SNOW tomorrow, (March 13th.) so even though there were some ugly clouds and at times WIND gusts up to 40 mph. that at times threw some sand and grit into my face but it was 50F+ and mostly sunny so I got out on the trike for short ride of 10 miles. I was doing a "recon" of parts of the trail I will be hopefully leading a group ride this coming Sunday! I can tell I wasn't able to ride half of Jan. and all of Feb. due to my wife JoLynn's "heart attack", I could feel the whimpy "recumbent legs" whining a bit on the uphill grades, LOL. Even with the wind it was awesome to be out on the trike! :) Hopefully the snow will go north or south of us, it's been a long while since I've gotten to ride with the group! :)
Heading south from Powers Blvd. on the "No Name Trail", with Pikes Peak in the background! |
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