Wednesday, October 25, 2023

October 21-24, 2023-Last of the warm Fall rides and a weekly FOOD Run

Been a busy couple of days here so I will just catch up with the rides! 

 Oct. 21 we got in a longer ride as the Fall temps have been excellent for the last 2 weeks! My Mom had some A-Fib heart problems so she ended up the hospital for couple of days, bummer! She's back home in Security a Village area southeast of Colorado Springs. There are NO bike trails out there so we put in a 30 mile day on mostly bike lanes and back roads to get down to see her, she's doing much better!! :) We did stop at a new cafe called: Roll Up in Security to check them out, good food but a bit pricey for our meager budget!! 

Got back home as the sun was slowly sinking in the western sky! It was great, as always to see Mom and I shot the video above for my Brother Chuck in IL. 

On the 23rd. we headed out just for a ride in the last days of the lovely Fall weather here in So. Colorado. It's going to get quite chilly and WINDY by Friday this upcoming week! :(

We rode up to Vincent St. Bridge, then took the Vincent Access Road to the Nevada St. trail/bike lane down to Panera Bread for Iced Tea and our Brown Bag Lunch! Then rode south along the Pikes Peak Greenway over to Monument Valley Park and Stanley Lake, just north of downtown Colorado Springs.

Headed back to the storage unit and tucked away the trikes, a really NICE day to RIDE!!

Oct. 24, The clouds and wind got stronger in the afternoon so we just decided to do our Weekly Food Run to the Walmart Neighborhood Market Place to get food and supplies. Hooked up the cargo trailer to my trike, did the shopping and took the food back to the apartment. Food put away, the wind was getting much stronger so we decided NOT to ride and headed for the storage unit. No riding on the 25th. Dental appointment, YUCK!! Hopefully get in a short ride on Thursday as Friday, Saturday and Sunday the temps drop down to the 40F's with lots of WIND so it will be "Ride the indoor exercise bike time", RATS! LOL, just can't keep Winter away much longer! BJ 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

2023-10-Catching up as usual, here on the blog!!

 Well, things never change and as usual I'm behind on the blog updates so here it goes! It's been about the normal as far as rides go. On 10-8 we rode over to Manitou on the Midland Trail and the weather has been excellent! 

On 10-9 we did the did the Foothills Trail.

On 10-15 we rode the "Motorless Morning" ride thru the Garden of the Gods, no cars allowed from 5 am to 12 noon!!

Our favorite, "Trike Personality" on YouTube is Sylvia Halpern and her trike, "Myrtle the Turtle". Out of the blue she called us and we found out she was in Boulder, CO. getting in some rides in that area and wanted to go on a RIDE with us!!!! So of course we gave her a tour of the "Garden of the Gods" and then Foothills Trail, over to Angletech we she got to visit with Kelvin and the Staff. From there we rode the Sinton Trail over to the Pikes Peak Greenway. Picked up the Cascade St. bike lane over to have lunch at Panino's Restaurant downtown Co. Springs. Via more bike lane over to the "Sky Bridge" at the US Olympic/Paralympic Museum for a grand view of Colorado Springs and America the Beautiful Park. Headed back to here campground in Manitou Springs via the Midland and Creek Walk Trails. We said our "so longs" and then headed to the storage unit, 40 mile day of pure FUN with Sylvia, she's a bright, bubbly in real life as on YouTube, it was just "awesome" to get to meet and RIDE with her and Myrtle the Turtle. She's heading south for the Winter Months in her Truck and Trailer touring set up!

Photo's by Slyvia Helpern

Photos by Slyvia Halpern

Friday, October 6, 2023

October 5, 2023-Finally got my riding buddy back!!!

 The weather called for a nice day, 66 degrees, sunny with light wind! Jo is finally feeling good enough to want to ride after 14 days of fighting off minor Covid 19!!! It's great to have her back out on the trails with me!! :) The ride was nothing special, one of our most used loop rides. We did however do the start a bit different. We headed north on the Cascade St. Bike Lane and picked up the Templeton Gap trail over to the Pikes Peak Greenway. Rode up to Criterium Bike shop, had our morning snack. Then over to Cottonwood Creek Trail to the Vincent St. bridge, turned south on to the Vincent Frontage Road/Dublin Blvd/Nevada Ave Trail and Bike Lane over to the "Cracked Trail" (old asphalt walkway) over to the University Village Colorado Center and lunch stop of iced tea at Panera Bread. 

From there south down the PP Greenway over to the Mesa Springs Greenway heading north to it's ending point at American Furniture Warehouse. Turned around back down the MS Greenway back to the PP Greenway. Stopped to try to help a fellow trike rider with a VERY jammed chain but couldn't get the chain out of the back of the cassette. Lucky a lady with a truck gave him a ride back to his house! Got a feeling they will have to remove the cassette to get that chain unstuck!! Becon St. to Wood Ave. to Fillmore St. west over to Kathy Ln. and into the storage unit. 18 miles in the Autum sun, welcome back JO!! :)

Sunday, October 1, 2023

The rest of September 2023

 LOL, well as usual, I'm having to catch up here on the Blog!! Took a ride on the 24th. and rode the upper section of the Cottonwood Creek Trail, it's a section I only ride in the cooler months as it has NO shade!! It was a mellow temp day, 70 F and sunny and the ride was enjoyable. Sadly, Jo is still suffering a bit from minor Covid-19 so again I was riding solo, here's a video of the ride, Enjoy!

Sept. 26, I was told they had finished "Phase 3" on the Creek Walk Trail in Manitou Springs so I headed that way to check it out! Bummer, all they did was finish a bit of spur concrete to hook to a bridge over to the Manitou Springs Chamber of Commerce building! :( They didn't even finish the concrete up to the paved road?? Oh well I guess we have to wait till Stage 4 before it get's over to Soda Springs Park/Manitou Springs Visitor Center closer into downtown Manitou Springs! :( It was a nice day and I do like riding the Midland & Creek Walk Trail combo from Co. Springs to Manitou Springs!  

Sept. 30, Well this ride turned out to be a double bummer!! Angletech was hosting a ride for a group from St. Louis, MO. called the Bright Spot for MS ride. Every Sept. for several years, Angletech let's this MS group use it's "DEMO trike/bike fleet" to spend 4 day's riding around Colorado Springs, CO. Sept 30. was day 4 and Angletech's customers were "invited" to ride with the MS group from the dealership up to the Red Leg Brewery for a social recumbent ride. 

I showed up just before 2 PM. but their planed ride was changed due to the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail being used by the runners of the Pikes Peak Marathon!! It made them late for their catered lunch at the dealership so the ride up to Red Leg was behind time. Well it seemed I was the ONLY customer to show up and I just didn't feel right messing up the groups VIBE so I decided to bail the event ride. 2nd. bummer, I did shot a video but for some strange reason, it came out all FOGGY looking?? I guess heat or somehow moisture got into the case and didn't clear out so the video was ruined!!!! ARRUGH! As it was late afternoon I headed back to the storage unit and then home! LOL, sometimes the plan just doesn't work out!! ;) The weather is turning quickly, it's going to be quite chilly come next week, time to break out the "tights" and long sleeve shirts, summer has past! Ride LOW, Ride SLOW, Ride Recumbent!!