Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 18-21, 2023, More Errand Runs between cold fronts and snow storms!!

 February 2023 has been a really tough month to get in rides!! It seems like we have had snow, freezing temperatures or crazy high WINDS all month long with only a couple of days clearing weather between them instead of the more usual week between storms and fronts!! We mostly done Food and Errand Runs lately, with a quick lunch added when the trails and streets have been semi-clear! Even now there's still slushy spots here and there. We moved the trikes from our apt. living room to a 5x10 storage unit and had a lot of stuff piled up on the floor so the last couple of rides have been to get food and building supplies to make a "standing shelf unit" for the storage unit. 

On the 21st., we took a ride up to the Lowes at the University Village Colorado Center to get a 2x8x12 cut into 3-4ft. sections and brackets to make the standing shelf. There's really not room for normal shelves and we can't drill into the walls! The tall standing shelf lets me mount my portable drill holder and press and my small vise. It also lets me get cleaning and lubrication supplies for the trikes off the floor. The bummer is that it was a very nice day but with possible SNOW coming in for the 22nd. we had to use it! :( We got the shelf built with time left enough to head out for a short, late afternoon ride to the downtown Mc Donalds for a large unsweet iced tea to go with our "homemade" Energy Bars!! :) Picked up the Cascade St. bike lane over to the Shooks Run Trail heading south over to Mickey D's then came back to the unit via the Weber St. and Cascade St. bike lanes. 9 miles, sunny, warmish and finished off the day with a bit of FUN!! 

The snow coming in on the 22nd. is suppose to be a Trace to 2 in. here in Co. Springs but you NEVER know! If so, we might have streets and trails clear enough to ride by Saturday, which is listed as 60 F and Breezy, just have to cross the fingers and hope for the lite, quick blow through type snow storm!! "Let's Ride"! :)

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