Thursday, March 13, 2025

March, 2025-More March rides and weather

 March 9: Our local area election for City Council is in early April and the ballots were out fast this year. We headed out to the downtown area to drop off our ballots at the El Paso County Building. After that was done, we headed through town over on the Pikes Peak Ave bike lane to pick up, Shooks Run trail over to the Good Neighbors Meeting House for herbal/berry iced teas to go with our brown bag lunch! From there we rode several other trails here and there and ended up back at the storage unit to tuck away the trikes!


El Paso County Building, downtown Colorado Springs, is where our closest ballot box is located.

The start of the Shooks Run Trail, just off the Pikes Peak Ave Bike Lane

March 10: The main destination was Manitou Springs but we wandered here and there on multiple trails and bike lanes. It was a beautiful late winter day, almost 70 F and we were really enjoying being out and about on the recumbents! 

March 11: After getting the new drive train for BJ's trike back on the 6th., I noticed that my chain seemed to be "auto-shifting" by itself here and there. We headed back up to Angletech where Kirk readjusted the rear derailleur and did a couple other adjustments for me. We headed west on Garden of the Gods Road to a Mc Donalds for a big mac with the 25 dollar gift card a rider named Steve gave us on an earlier ride. Again just riding here and there on different trails and bike lanes and ending up at Safeway food store to get a couple of items for lunches and dinner, then headed to the storage unit.

Stopped at the Pickle Ball Courts in Monument Valley Park for nature break and then to the Pikes Peak Greenway

Afternoon snack of a Think Bar and iced tea at Good Neighbors Meeting House on the Shooks Run Trail and then over to Safeway food store and back to the storage unit

That's All Folks! Till next time "HAPPY TRAIL'S"! 

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