Thursday, February 27, 2025

2nd part of February 2025, just trying to catch up as usual, here we GO!


A view from the SKY BRIDGE 

We had a real cold and wet spell for like 10 days so we finally got a decent day and headed off to Manitou Springs via the Midland Trail, stopping at the Colorado Ave and 31 St. Starbucks for our brown bag lunch and a hot tea. It was at least warm enough to sit outside but we had the polar fleece and windbreakers on! Then continued on the trail over to Fields and Schriever Parks and to the current end of the Creek Walk Trail. Heading back the same way, it felt good to be riding again! Over to the Weber St. bike lane to the Good Neighbors Meeting House for a 2nd hot tea. Picked up Shooks Run to the Rock Island Trail west, Cascade St. and into the storage unit!

Bringing home the weeks' worth of food and household supplies!

Again we had several cold, wet days before a day decent enough to go food shopping!

February 24, we decided to check on the construction progress of a couple of projects effecting bike paths and bike lanes and make our way up to the Starsmoor Center in North Cheyenne Canyon Park. First was the new path along Tejon St and the intersection of I-25.

The right side is basically complete, but the left side path is still not finished, rats, luckily, we needed to stay on the right side to stop at a Mavrick Station outside patio area and a hot tea with our brown bag lunch. Alas, NO hot or Ice tea, bummer! Ate lunch and headed for the center on the Tejon St bike lane and then the Cheyenne Blvd bike lane, (sadly the painted lines for the bike lane have faded away all the way to 8th street!) :(  Well the road construction again forced us up on the sidewalk for several blocks, then we got back on the bike lane up to the Starsmoor Center. Ah, note to self: The Starsmoor Center is CLOSED on Mondays! Headed back over to Shooks Run Trail and Good Neighbors Meeting House for the TEA we didn't get earlier then back to the storage unit.

The Official Greeter at Angletech Recumbents of Colorado Springs, Colorado

Great view of Pikes Peak on the Centennial Blvd South Path

My new ASSIST BARS on my ICE Sprint 2 Special Edition

February 25, Headed up to Angletech to get my new, ASSIST BARS installed on my trike, I have been having a harder time getting OUT of my low seated trike as I get within 5 months of turning 70 yrs. old! I also had my left side drum brake shoes checked for "glazing" as they have been squeaking a lot lately. After we got done at Angletech we decided to see if they had finished the Pikes Peak Greenway "WESTSIDE" trail's concrete work and fencing. We were lucky as the workers let us pass by and continue down the trail so you all got the FREE TOUR before the official unveiling has happened! Rode down to America the Beautiful Park and the "confluence point" of Monument and Fountain Creeks. Then headed back to the storage unit.

That's it for this blog update, will bring you more soon, thanks for reading, it's very appreciated, BJ :) 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 2025 so far, As usual playing Catch Up again!

 Well very little riding in Jan. and Feb. isn't a lot better, rats! I'll do a bit of catching up on the old BLOG! 

February 2, Ground Hog's Day Ride: 

We headed up the Rock Island Trail to check on the progress of the new lighted crosswalk at Murry Blvd. and Rock Island Trail. Still not functional but they do now have lights on the poles, etc. so its slowly getting there!

New trail signage for the Rock Island Trail

A piece of the Rock Island Railroad

Neat little carved bench and contemplation area on the Rock Island Trail 

February 3rd, 

Well Jo did not want to ride due to a sinus headache, so I decided to try and find a "new" section of the Sand Creek Trail, I just found out about! LOL, it started on the Rock Island Trail and then had to use a sidewalk and parking lot to get to the old frontage road along Hwy 24. Now on the new Wooten Ave Bike Lane up to Galley Road and then again ran into road construction and had to use the sidewalk, bummer. Finally found the new trail section but "no signage" at all?? This portion of the Sand Creek Trail goes from Galley Road to Hwy 24 with a "under pass" but sadly dead ends. The Future will have it continue to hook up with the older section of the Sand Creek Trail heading south to the Pikes Peak Greenway. 

This is actually the Homestead Trail South off of the Rock Island Trail, took this to get to the sidewalk/parking lot path to get to the Hwy 24 Frontage Road

Looking south on the Homestead Trail South

Looking north on the Homestead Trail South at the junction of it and the Rock Island Trail to get back to the storage unit! 

February 5th., 

While I was wiping down my trike, I noticed black scuff marks on the upper park of the swingarm (rear end), looks like my factory rear rack was banging into the swing arm, yikes! Headed up to ANGLETECH to have Joshia look at it. He re-drilled new holes in the rack extension arms that hook the rack to the frame and that made the rack sit higher for the needed proper spacing! The damage was purely cosmetic to the swingarm, just needs some silver touch-up paint to be good as new, YEA! From the shop we headed up to the Foothills Trail past the Garden of the Gods City Park and then, via the 31st street bike lane to the Midland Trail heading east and of course, ran into road construction so we had to use backstreets to get back on the trail into America the Beautiful Park. Over to Shooks Run Trail and the Good Neighbor's Meeting House for snack and tea! Then home to the storage shed.

February 7th., 

Decided to ride the Cottonwood Creek Trail as far east as we could, due to possible trail damage caused by a homeless fire causing damage to part of the park drainage system. Well, we found out most of the damage has been repaired, except the access way to the port-a-potties, arrugh! We rode the long way around the outside of the park via sidewalk to get access. Headed back down the trail heading west over to the open air patio at the University Village Colorado Retail Center for our brought from home snack and water. Now to the Pikes Peak Greenway, T-Gap Trail and Cascade St. bike lane back to the storage unit!

LOL, took the round-about way be made it to the restroom at the Park

Heading back to the west on the Cottonwood Creek Trail

Crossing on of the many bridges on the Cottonwood Creek Trail

Jo got a photo of me getting a video of her, LOL! We do everything as a TEAM most of the time! Not bad for an old couple who will celebrate 45 years of marriage in Oct. 2025!

We made it to the end as the winter weather, cold, snow and WIND has returned with a vengeance! Today is Tuesday, February 11th. and it's 13 F, gray, cloudy and breezy with lite snow falling and the rest of the week looks mostly the same, RATS!! Till we see you again, Happy Trail's!