It's been a while since I updated the blog, we've been doing short rides and I've been doing a few club rides over the last couple of months. We worked as "Corner Workers" for the yearly, St. Patrick's Day 50K (and a wee bit more) bicycle ride here in Colorado Springs, CO. It's usually the Saturday "before" St. Patrick's Day. They were talking possible rain so we took the city bus to our post at Wood Ave. and Columbia St., The riders were having a good time, even though it was a bit nippy weather wise. Our shift ended at 12:15 so we walked to lunch and watched the parade for a bit. Headed home.
We finally got JoLynn and new bicycle, she's been riding a "converted" 23 year old Nishiki ladies MTB for a few years now. She decided she wanted a "step-thru" version on my Del Sol Lxi 6.1 comfort bike, in a cool, "buttered popcorn" color! :) We changed out the seat, (she didn't care for the "polka dots" and tires, (a bit more aggressive tread and black in color). Now she's very happy.
JoLynn's new bicycle, March 2016
Now we just need some better weather so she can get in a real ride, a bit more than the 8 miles from the bike shop to home! ;) The folks at the Colorado Springs Bike Shop have treated us so well for many years, we really enjoy doing business with them!
Colorado Springs Bike Shop
Spring is slowing coming hope your out enjoying a good ride soon! :)