WELCOME to: BJ and Jo Ondo's recumbent trike cycling blog! This blog has information about US, our "Bicycle/Trike History", and our RIDES, here in Colorado Springs, CO., the Pikes Peak Region, State of Colorado and anywhere else our WHEELS take us!
Friday, March 7, 2025
March 7, 2025- February into March, getting in a few rides between storm systems, winter please go away!!
February 27- A second run to Angletech, after getting the trike back to the storage unit to tuck it away, I decided to adjust one of the front brake cables. Well I found the cable was frayed so on Thurs. Feb 27, we headed back to Angletech for a new brake cable to be installed. After that we road the Foothills Trail, 31st bike lane over to check out the new Hammond's Pastrami and Deli that opened up inside Trail's End Taproom at Colorado Ave and 30th St. Really good brisket sandwich and coleslaw on the large patio area! We will return, headed back via Midland Trail and the Weber St. bike lane to the storage unit. Sunny but chilly day!
Foothills Trail heading towards the Garden of the Gods City Park and 31st. Street bike lane
Selfie on the Foothills Trail, pardon the GLOVE in the corner! ;) February 28- Wanted to check to see if any progress was made on the new "lighted" crosswalk at the junction of the Rock Island Trail and Murry Blvd. A little bit but still not up and working as of yet! Headed back wandering here and there a bit then headed back to the storage unit.
Our favorite rest stop/bench along the Rock Island Trail
The lighted crosswalk at RI and Murry Blvd, heading East towards Powers Blvd.
Lighted Crosswalk heading West
A photo of BJ doing his Video Shooting along the Rock Island Trail
We stopped at the ONLY picnic table in Porta Park along the trail for our late afternoon Think Bar, restroom and break!
March 2- T-Gap Trail North- Rode up the Templeton Gap Trail heading North East to it's current ending point at Ranch Road. Headed south to the Fork in the trail and then east on the Austin Bluffs Trail to it's ending point then back down the trail to find a place to get tea and eat our snack. More here and there riding around before heading back to the storage unit to call it a day!
Heading west on the Austin Bluffs Trail and crossing the bridge over the drainage canal
After crossing over the bridge, we turn south/southwest heading back to the Templeton Gap Trail down to the Cascade Street bike lane and heading to the storage unit.
March 6- My 2011 ICE Sprint 2 Special Edition trike is 14 years old and was built using a Shimano Caprio rear wheel hub and special 9-30 tooth cassette. They don't make the "Caprio System" anymore so the cassette was worn out and you CAN NOT add a modern cassette to a Capiro wheel hub! Had to buy a rear wheel and new 9 speed cassette! I got a upgrade to a 11x40 cassette to get some more low/climbing gearing!! I also had them take off the old "disc brake parking brake" and install "locking" brake levers that lock the front brakes instead. The Reason? That disc brake always rubbed or squeaked and never really did a good job of being a parking brake! now it's all gone and makes it easier to hook up my cargo trailer and the levers with locking pins make it so the trike doesn't move when applied!! :)
We've been waiting on a small Colorado State Income Tax refund to get this new drive train installed, it finally showed up so it's great to have it done! Thanks to our Tech, Kirk at Angletech! We again headed up to do the Foothills to Midland trails but the clouds and chill was setting in quicker than the weather stated so we just headed back to the storage area using the "westside" of the Pikes Peak Greenway and the Cascade Street bike lane!
That's all the riding for now, it's March 7th. and gray with clouds and more possible rain and snow overnight to mid day on Saturday the 8th, RATS!! Till next time, Happy TRAIL'S!
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