We live and ride mostly around the city and out lying area's of Colorado Springs, CO. 2021 is the 150th. Birthday of Colorado Springs and there are several area "events" coming up to celebrate! We joined one today, called the: Beard's, Bonnet's & Bikes Ride, with the Mayor and his wife doing the ride lead, while the ride itself is sponsored by "KIDS on Bikes" a local advocacy group for getting KIDS on bikes here! Jo whipped up a "home made" Bonnet to go over her helmet and got a "interview" and quick blurb on the Channel 13 local news show today!! The ride was around the Legacy Loop a not yet finished "trail around the city", envisioned Gen. William J. Palmer, the founder of the city of Colorado Springs. A stop at the Popcycle Bridge for what else Popsicles (sadly Jo and I couldn't eat any as she's a type II diabetic), but the kids on the ride love them, along with a lot of the adults as the temps got close to 90 F for the ride!! Only did 10 miles for the day but it was FUN to be involved in a local area celebration event!!

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