Well since I'm not Irish and I don't drink booze, I thought I'd celebrate St. Patrick's Day by leading a local area urban trail ride. Turned out to be a decent day, 45F+, Sunny with only a light wind, started at Soaring Eagles Park, then headed north up to Powers Blvd. on the "No Name Trail" turned around and headed down the trail south to Academy Blvd. Normally after crossing I'd take the (most useless Bike Lane in the City), the bike lane over to the Hancock Expressway Bike Lane but being a Sunday, there was no Big Truck traffic on Astrozon Blvd. so I just used the road and headed for a "backway" onto the Sand Creek Trail to head north. The Sand Creek Trail is a very urban trail, got a bit of trash, here and there but it goes along the Sand Creek Drainage System which is like a small creek with some nice views of water flowing over rocks. I took the trail all the way to Wildflower Park to stop and eat my "Brown Bag Lunch" of a good Fuji Apple and a Z-Bar (kids Cliff Bar), yes it was a Group Ride but I was the only one who showed, I guess the lure of GREEN BEER was too much for the rest, LOL!! ;) found a picnic table for "one" in the Sun! After eating stopped at one of VERY FEW "provided" pota-potties and headed back the same route until I got to Drennin Rd. and Hancock Expressway then I turned south into Security where I live. 20 miles RT and a lot of smiles! :)