I decided to "ride away from work", LOL as I'm a househusband and join in the fun for Bike To Work Day, here in Colorado Springs. This year I hooked up with the "Mayor's Ride" from Goose Goshage Baseball Park to America the Beautiful Park in downtown. The ride started at 6 AM. so it was still DARK when I left the apt. at 5 AM. On the rail trail, I had to avoid some deer munching on the trees! I arrived and staged with the other riders from the Colorado Springs Cycling Club and after a brief visit from the Mayor, we headed out on some newly concreted portions of the Pike Peak Greenway Trail, heading south to the park!
It was a beautiful morning with sunshine and mellow temps., around 200 bicycle's were in the group and 6 or so "armed" Police officers on bicycles surrounding the Mayor so we were well protected! ;) About a 30 min. ride to the Bike To Work Day festivities, some really good bagels and a banana or two and we all had breakfast. Listen to the dignitaries on the stage and then headed home via a different route. back to the apt. by 8:30 to do my household chores! Enjoyed the ride!
The Julie Penrose Fountain in the park. It turns 360 degrees in the wind and has water in the center! |